AFAN FESTIVAL: Kagoro Celebrates Life and Culture,honour Sons,Daughters.

Frederick Peters, Reporting from Kagoro.

The Oegworok( Kagoro) People of Kaduna State, Nigeria, Celebrated the ANNUAL AFAN NATIONAL FESTIVAL, with Pomp and Pageantry, in thanksgiving to God for his Mercies, protection and blessings on her Land and people.

The Famous event which held on 1st January,2020, with the theme”Unity as a Springboard for Development” Showcased the rich Cultural endowments of the Oegworok Nation, award of excellence to Distinguished Sons and Daughters,for their invaluable Contribution to Peace, human Capital development, among others.

The Oegwam Oegworok (Chief of Kagoro) HRH,Dr. Ufuwai Bonet.OFR,CON,while thanking God for another year of the celebration, noted that, the AFAN festival, which had an amiable tradition, has grown to the point where government policies are pronounced,while attracting people from far and near,because of the rich cultural and tourist uniqueness of Kagoro, pointing out that,the Festival can best be described as Second biggest festival next to Argungu Fishing Festival in Northern Nigeria.

According to him, without peace there cannot be unity, adding that, peace can only exist where there is true reconciliation, fair treatment,justice for all and Sundry, thereby calling on the government to make policies that will carry along all Sundry and also called on the people to support government to able to achieve its mandate. He commended the government for its prompt action during the recent security challenge in Kagoro,

While appreciating the tireless efforts of the Guest Speaker,Executive Secretary,, TETFUND, Prof. Suleiman ELias Bogoro,in the development of education in this part of the Country,

He specifically noted the giant strides in Kaduna State University, College of Education,Gidan Waya, and urged him to use his good office to facilitate the expansion of the National Open University, Campus in Kagoro, making it more Viable.

He further called on the Sons and Daughters of Oegworok Nation to be United, maintaining that it is only in unity can they realize Development.

The Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir EL-Rufai, represented by Special Adviser Political, Mr Ben.Kure, applauded the Kagoro Chiefdom and people for keeping the Spirit of Festival alive and the need for it to be sustained and improved.

He called on all to work together to make the change we required. He charged the Chiefdom to draw the line in ensuring practical results by impacting the desired Skills on they teeming youths,towards unveiling their potentials for Nation Building.

He assured the Chiefdom and people of Kagoro of the readiness of State government to articulate the tourism potentials inherent in Kagoro among other issues raised at this year’s Celebration. He admonished all to put God first in everything the do as we begin the New year and calling on all to continue to pray for the peace of the State and Country.

The Guest Speaker, professor Suleiman Elias Bogoro, who was represented by the VC, Federal University, Gashuwa,Prof. Andrew Haruna,Said if Kagoro People can hold firm their God and Natural resources their best is indeed yet to be seen.

While harping on Justice while delivering his paper he Said it is the key to our Unity, peace and Progress, as a People. He Commended the Chiefdom for maintaining peace in their domain and assured them of his assistance and support at all times.

According to him,without Justice there will no be peace,noting that, with justice governance is made easier; with a call Leaders to govern with justice to lead well. He urged Nigerians to detest hate for each other to keep the Country together.

While commending the rich cultural display at the Festival he maintained that,as a linguistic pluralistic Nation there is the need for the resuscitation of our rich Cultures and languages which he said are fast eroding.

He then called on those in government at all levels to be fair to all Nigerians noting that any modern society embracing any form of prejudices will surely undermine their progress and development,adding that, no Society can develop by discriminating against its own people.

He further charged Nigerians to develop the art of living together as we develop the art of technological prowess ; he concluded by calling on all to come together and forge together.

The National President, Kagoro Development Association, KDA, Dr. Benjamin Kumai Gugong ,called on government to intensify efforts on the issue of insecurity in the area,and the need to upgrade the water plan/project, enhance education of inhabitants of the Mountain and speed up AFAN(mountain) project to attract tourism among others

He announced that some Sons and Daughters who have contributed their quota to the success story of Kagoro, in several areas of human endeavour would be honoured and awarded.

He also commended they Kagoro people for a peaceful Conduct of 2019 election in the area, while congratulating both winners and losers.

Those honoured were Distinguished Senator Danjuma Tella La”ah,Hon. Gideon Lukas Gwani,Alhaji Mammuda Leko among other distinguished personalities

The occasion which had Ambassador Bulus Lolo,as Chairman,also attracted the Kaura Local government Caretaker Committee Chairman, Dr. Bege Ayuba Katuka, the Who is Who in Kagoro, Kaduna and Nigeria. It also featured Visit( s) to the Oegworok Mountain, days of cultural fiesta,processions,prayers and Football Match,among other things


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